
Monday 19 September 2011

Day: 97        Movie: One Magic Christmas

This is a movie from the 80's that I thought was a Made-For-Tv production, but turns out it was a Walt Disney feature.

The movie is about a hard up family around Christmas time. The mother (though vaguely sexy in a housewife-next-door sorta way) is really grouchy about everything as can be expected, owing to their dire circumstances. The husband on the other hand is an optimistic chap(if a lil irrationally so) and is generous to a fault, even building a bike for a poor friend of his kids, because its all she wants for Christmas, when he himself is unemployed. He does however want to start a Bike shop of his own though his wife keeps vetoing it.

The movie centers around the rather trying circumstances that eventually force a transformation in the wife.

It is a rather heartwarming story if not a very well thought out one... I Still didn't mind watching it overall...

Plus the Santa here is probably the most convincing realistic portrayal I've ever seen in a movie. 

The WHOLE movie is actually available in 8 to 10 minute installments on Youtube, so no hassle of downloading...
Have Fun!!

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